A Post On Fitness Sales By Pat Rigsby
Sometimes becoming better at fitness sales is not about the presentation.? Sometimes it?s not about the offer.? Sometimes it?s about you.
When I first left coaching and took over running a personal training department, I didn?t instantly start closing deals at a high rate.
Actually, I was pretty pathetic at closing and only generated any sales at all by being willing to get in front of more people than anyone else did.
I remember that during my first pay period, my closing percentage was 12%.? Yep ? 12%.
The Psychology Of Selling Personal Training
Honestly, it was just a mental thing with me.? My own personal hang ups about money.? I?d never made more than $30,000 in a year and the thought of someone investing $300 or $400 a month on personal training seemed pretty extreme to me.
I tried to sell in spite of this hang up ? but I?m sure that it showed in the way that I presented our programs and in my lack of confidence.
But then after reading a couple sales books and going back through Think and Grow Rich, it finally hit me: selling should be easy.? You?re just helping people get what they want.??? I was getting caught up on dollars, but I?d spent the previous 7 years convincing parents to spend tens of thousands of dollars to come play baseball under my guidance at a school they?d never even heard of before I started recruiting them.
If people really want something they?ll find a way to make it happen.
As soon as I got that through my head, fitness sales became easy.? I instantly went from a 12% closer to a 60-70% closer. Once I lost the head trash I was able to sell to anyone.? In fact, though I wouldn?t recommend them as your target market, I?ve sold training to people that were unemployed, cashiers at McDonalds and any number of other people that I?d have never guessed could or would be willing to invest in training.
But if people want something bad enough, they?ll often find a way.? So don?t let your hang ups about money prevent them from getting what they want.
Once you?ve gotten out of your own way when it comes to selling personal training, you need to understand the mechanics of effective fitness sales.
Foundational Concepts Of Selling Fitness
This simple system is not rocket science, but it has allowed us to take fitness professionals that absolutely detested selling personal training while closing fewer than 10% of their fitness sales opportunities and help them progress to closing more than 50% of their sales opportunities while increasing their average package value by over 200%.?
Try To Sell Personal Training To Only Those People Predisposed To Doing Business With You
One of the biggest mistakes we see fitness professionals make is assuming everyone is a prospect.? You can avoid this by doing several things:
1. Using Direct Response Marketing ? Offer a free report or something similar on your site, in your ads or even on your business card to get people who are interested to ?raise their hands? and let you know they at least have mild interest in what you offer.
2. Find A Niche ? By doing this you are already targeting a specific market and positioning yourself as the fitness resource for their specific wants and needs.
3. Focus on Referrals ? Referrals are pre-sold on what you have to offer and usually provide little if any sales resistance.
4. Sell More to Your Existing Clients ? If someone has already said yes once, they are far more likely to say yes again provided you haven?t given them a reason to do otherwise.
5. Become an Expert ? I really doubt that Alwyn Cosgrove, Eric Cressey, Bill Hartman or Mike Robertson would get a lot of resistance from a prospect ? regardless of their fees.? You can position yourself as an expert by doing more public speaking, writing more articles, releasing a book (even if it?s self published) and doing more publicity work.?
6. Use Testimonials ? If you ever had a doubt about the value of testimonials, the success of Nutri-Systems should have eliminated it.? Every piece of marketing material should use them.? You should have a ?wall of fame? at your facility.? You should have testimonials on your website and you should make before and after pictures a condition of doing business with you.? Why try and beat your self up trying to convince someone that you can get them where they want to go when you have a ton of clients that can do it for you? It is clich? but "A picture is worth a thousand words."
7. Know Your Numbers. One of the biggest mistakes that I see fitness professionals make is paying little if any attention to their closing percentage. They work hard on getting their website up and running. They send out postcards and hold seminars ? all in the hopes of generating leads. But the real name of the game is turning those leads into high paying clients.
Do you know what percentage of prospects you convert into clients?
Don?t guess.
Do you know the exact number?
If you don?t ? start tracking that TODAY! Only then can you test other approaches in your quest to close more prospects and know if the changes you made are paying off.
8. Define Your Uniqueness. You have to let prospects know EXACTLY why they should do business with you instead of the trainer at the big box club, do P90X, enroll in Weight Watchers or buy the Ab Circle. Saying you get results isn?t enough. Do you think your competitors say they don?t'?
9. Care About Your Prospects? Goals. Remember ? if someone takes the time to come in to an introductory session or do a trial at your bootcamp, they probably have at least some interest in buying.
Building Value With Your Prospective Client
What is value? If your goal as a fitness professional is to overdeliver to your clients, you must first have an understanding of how value is measured and what constitutes good and poor value in the eyes of the potential client, right?
How, exactly, is value perceived and measured? Having researched this question for a while, I think I have a definition: Value: in the eyes of the potential client, is simply the difference between the anticipated price of your training programs and the actual price.
If the price of the programs anticipated in the potential client?s mind is higher than the price of the service or product, they perceive it to be a good value:
"I would have thought you would charge more? " Yet if the asking price is higher than the anticipated price, the potential client perceives the value to be poor: "This is too expensive!"
The secret in selling fitness is to control the anticipated price.
The Initial Session, Orientation or Assessment
There is a division of thought in the fitness industry on whether trainers should provide complimentary introductory sessions or assessments; some fitness ?experts??feel that it undermines the perception of the trainer as a professional.? These experts want trainers to be perceived in the same light as doctors, lawyers, etc.?
Unfortunately, less than 1% of the population has any experience working with a trainer, so it is an unknown to them.? Offering a session or assessment alleviates the perceived risk for the client. Plus, if you can get them in the door, you?re likelihood of getting them to buy for a reason other than price go up dramatically.
So remember ? the idea of an initial session, orientation or assessment is to help you build rapport and develop the relationship between you and your prospective client.
Basically, any of these options:
- Kill the risk for the prospect.
- Attract a larger number of potential clients.
- Give you longer to build rapport.
- Provide you a greater opportunity to build value.
Remember ? you?re solving someone?s problems.? That?s not a tough sell.
It is important to also remember ? selling fitness is not something you do TO a person; it?s something you do FOR a person.
What makes this concept so important is because people will typically buy from someone they like and someone they believe is trying to help them.
This also means that you need good people skills to be effective at fitness sales.
What are good people skills?
- Positive attitude
- Finding a common element/bond
- Good listening
- Eye contact while one is talking
- Asking the right questions
- Empathy
We can sum these skills up with the phrase ? rapport building.
Your Attitude ? a Key To Selling Personal Training
The first thing that you can do to separate yourself from the average personal trainer is to control your attitude. The attitude you project, both verbal and non-verbal, is a direct result of your beliefs and perceptions about you and the people you serve.
If you believe you?re the best in your market at what you do and can truly help the prospective client ? and that you want to help that person, it will show in your attitude.
Also, because you earn your income from the fees a client pays, over time you may stop thinking of prospects as human beings with needs, wants and goals and start seeing them in terms of how much they?re worth to you.
This is a guaranteed way to be ineffective at selling fitness.
One way to avoid this pitfall is to ask yourself two simple questions before talking to any new prospective client:
1. I wonder what common ground I can find with this person to build a relationship?
2. How can I help this person get what he/she wants?
By asking yourself these simple questions, you will put yourself into a frame of mind that will project a positive, sincere attitude. Remember, people are more likely to become clients of someone they like.
Having the right attitude and exceeding expectations has to be the way you do business 365 days a year, not just something you do until the sale is made.
Many times, to justify a lost sale, fitness professionals often put the blame on the prospect: "he wasn?t serious", "she had an attitude", "he was looking for reasons not to buy", or "she was just wasting our time".
However, most people who take the time to come in and meet with you have some interest in buying, but leave because you didn?t build the necessary value they needed to become a client.
You need to motivate them to take action.
What motivates human behavior? It is actually quite basic ? The desire to gain pleasure or avoid pain. As we continue through the sales process, please remember that we are not selling training, we are selling the outcome the prospective client wants and the belief that we are their ?bridge? to get there.
Determine what changes in the prospect?s life would make them feel good and show them how your offerings can help them accomplish this.? Provide solutions.
Greeting the Prospective Client
It is extremely important to make your prospective client feel comfortable when they enter your facility. Set a positive tone by greeting them enthusiastically. Use eye contact, a smile and a handshake to reinforce your greeting.
The way you greet your prospective client can create an environment that makes them feel important, impacting everything moving forward.?
It?s your first impression.
It often makes the difference between a sale and a "be back" client (a client who tells you they will think about it and come back later). Positive attitude, confidence and a positive approach are quite important. Remember, the first impression also includes the look of the facility and your appearance.
Be prepared to make the right impression.
After the initial greeting, you must now begin to establish rapport with your client.
The ability to form a powerful common human bond and a connection is vital to getting a prospective client to open up to you and let you know how you can help them most.
In order to build rapport, start by politely asking questions about the other person in hope that you will come across something you have in common (a sport, hobby or some other mutual interest). Basically, you are trying to find out how this person is like you. If a connection is found, the rapport process begins. Once a common bond is found, the potential client?s attitude towards you changes and the conversation becomes more comfortable. Remember, rapport is nothing but a feeling of commonality ? a common bond.
The greeting is also the point where you "take control". Almost all prospects are in a foreign environment and will be more comfortable if they feel as though you are going to lead them through the process.
People want to be led.?
After you have greeted your prospect, ask them for their permission to start learning more about their fitness goals.
Example: "Do you mind if we go through a few questions, which will help me find exactly how I can best help you?"
Remember, the purpose of the greeting is:
Take control, create a warm, friendly environment and create a good first impression.
If You Want To Sell Personal Training You Need To Know Why People Buy
As we outlined, your goal is to build a quality relationship with your prospective client, one where they not only like you, but also trust you to open up.
The Questionnaire is perhaps the most important tool to continue building such a relationship. The time spent going through a Questionnaire with your prospect allows you to find out about them, what they have done in the past in terms of exercise and what they want now ? not only with regards to exercise, but what makes them "tick".
It is here that you must use quality questions to probe for their emotional wants and needs.
Remember, the prospective client is driven to purchase by the emotions that your service is going to give them, not just by the service itself.
Before you can help a prospective client with their wants and needs, you must keep in mind what motivates people to buy. People do things for a reason. As we have outlined earlier, behavior can be broken down into two groups: The desire to gain pleasure and the need to avoid to pain.
For example: Some people want to get in shape to look better, a form of pleasure they want to gain. Others want to get in shape so that they won?t feel ashamed, embarrassed and possibly ridiculed ? all forms of pain they wish to avoid.
Many times, behavior is the result of a combination of one wanting to gain pleasure and avoid pain. Human beings will do much more to avoid pain than they will ever do to gain pleasure.
Once you understand your prospective client?s behavior, you need to take the next step, selling them training.
To do this, you have to get them to a place of dissatisfaction: a feeling that they are not getting the results they want because they are not reaping the benefits of what your training program has to offer.
Getting someone to a "place" where they feel an inner pressure to buy is true motivation. When a prospective client has "inner pressure", they feel compelled to buy because it is what they wants to do, not because you have locked them up in a room and used one hundred and one closes until they finally gave-in and bought.
Inner pressure is the most powerful tool for creating a shift in behavior and must be done to bring a prospective client from a "prospect" to a "client".
The prospective client?s best interest must be kept in mind at all times, thus, having the prospective client feel as though you are simply the assistant buyer rather than the seller.
Remember, people buy wants, and wants are emotional, not logical or rational.
Emotional wants (inner pressure) happen at the unconscious level. Potential clients do not walk into the facility and say, "I really want to feel more self confident and I think I can accomplish that by getting into shape."
Instead, they come in focused on the features and will tell you, "I want a 3 day per week bootcamp? " In order to make your service appeal to a potential client at a deeper level ? to get them motivated to buy ? you will have to "uncover" what their emotional wants are.
Therefore, when they tell you the want a 3 day per week bootcamp? you need to find out why.
Selling Fitness Is All About Questioning
Now it is time to explore the emotional wants and needs of the prospective client.
The Questionnaire will serve as the key resource to provoke a dialogue between you and the prospective client regarding their fitness goals and how you can best help them.
You will start with background questions to fully qualify the prospective client and to gain an understanding of their ability to make a decision.
During this process, you will need to listen as well as ask the right questions.
By asking the right questions, you will uncover a prospective client?s real wants. Then, by carefully listening to what they say, you will obtain valuable information, which can be used throughout your introductory session.
FYI ? Failure to qualify a prospect is one of the largest reasons for unsuccessful sales efforts. Failure to qualify the prospect wastes your time by building a sale for non-existent needs or for a prospect who has no real intention of buying.
1. Listening
A fitness professional that is also a successful salesperson talks half as much as he/she listens. This is because if you say it, they can doubt it ? if they say it, it is true. An effective salesperson doesn?t tell people things ? they ask questions. You need to develop a comfortable questioning style that allows you to maintain CONTROL while the prospective client makes the decision. Also, remember that it is not what you say ? it is how you say it. You may think you are saying it one way but the important thing is: How is the prospect interpreting what you are saying?
Aids to Listening
- Look at the speaker
- Take brief notes
- Picture the prospect?s situation
- Be patient ? Don?t interrupt
- Question to clarify
- Watch your non-verbal signals (body language)
2. Questioning
Types of Questions:
Open Ended Questions: Use when a prospective client is talkative and to start needs analysis. Try to use as many open-ended questions as possible. These questions allow you to listen and the prospect to do all of the talking.
Example: "Ms. Jones, tell me how weighing 30 lbs. more than you want to is affecting you?"
Close Ended Questions: Use when a prospective client is unresponsive, when you wish to direct the conversation to a specific topic, when you need a specific answer or when you are looking for confirmation.
Example: "So Ms. Jones, how much weight do you want to lose?"
When selling fitness, one of the most gratifying parts of the sale is having the Questionnaire section go smoothly. Ironically, when that happens, and the level of rapport is high, you will be tempted to make one of the biggest mistakes; trying to sell a program before building value.
Think of yourself like a "Fitness Doctor". Don?t ?prescribe a treatment? until you?ve done your ?exam?.
Making Selling Personal Training Easier By Building Value
The best way to stay in rapport, continue to be in control and move into value building part of your session is to give your prospective client a brief overview of what his/her session will consist of.
Example:? "Ms. Jones, before we get started today, I just want to let you know exactly what we will be doing. First, I will be taking you through a brief assessment to identify any areas or limitations that we should address in your program as well as provide us with a ?starting point? to allow us to more effectively measure your progress.?
Then we will move into a demonstration of some of the movements that we?ll be integrating into your program so you can see what types of things you should be doing to achieve your desired result.?
Afterwards, I will review the session with you and address any questions that you may have before we go over the different types of training programs that we offer to see what will be the best fit for you. How does that sound?"
As simple as this sounds, it can be very comforting for your prospective client.
Many people become nervous and uncomfortable when they do not know what is expected of them ? again, they will feel as though you are in control ? helping them through the process.
Making Sure All Bases Are Covered
Now that you clearly understand what your prospective client is looking for in a program (future fitness goals and motivation) you can meet his/her needs by demonstrating exactly how you will be able to help.
This can be done by taking the prospect?s information from the Questioning segment of the session and tying what you do to address the most important benefits that are most important to your prospect.
Whether you?re going through a One-on-One Assessment or Screen and then demonstrating some of the movements you?re going to integrate into their program or a Group Orientation where you are teaching basic movements and progressions ? the key is tying everything to do back to the prospects person goals.
Remember, your prospective client is not buying the features of your services; she is buying the emotional benefits she will receive from those features.
Because she already has so much information to take in and process, you cannot assume that she will make the connection between features and benefits on her own. Therefore, you must verbally tie the features directly to the benefits that they want.
"Mr. Jones, you get all of your workouts personally designed for you, even the ones you perform on your own. What that means to you is that you will get in the shape you want without wasting any time. Does the ability to have no guesswork when it comes to your workout appeal to you?"
If you?re in a group environment tie each movement back to the benefit and when you are working with each personal individually, spend time correcting their technique and connecting what they?re doing back to their goals.
After the value building part of the session, ask your prospective client if she has any questions and answer any concerns. An excellent closing question is, "Now, what do you feel is the most beneficial part of what we did today?
Once they have answered this question, then you can move to the program presentation.
Selling Fitness With A Simple Presentation
Here?s a simple presentation of the programs you have available that has worked to sell tens of millions (yes, millions) of dollars worth of personal training.
Step One ? Obtain A Positive Confirmation: "Mrs. Jones, do you see how us working together will get you to your fitness goals?" (Wait for the prospect to affirm your statement with a "yes")
Step Two ? Present Your Programs: Then let me to show you the programs that I think would be a fit for you. The first program I have is our 1session per week program, which is only an investment of $149 per month. The second program I have for you is the twice a week program, which is only an investment of $279 per month, and finally we have our three times per week program which is only an investment of $399 per month.
Step Three ? The Assistant Buyer Offers Options: Based on your goals and experience level I suggest we start with either the two times per week program or the three time per week program.
Step Four ? Call To Action: "Which one of these programs can we get you started on today?"
Step Five ? Let Them Decide: Let your prospective client decide which is the best fit for them. Wait for the prospect to give their response.
They?ll either pick one of your options or ask a question that will help you better clarify the right solution for them.
By getting the positive confirmation or commitment, you have mentally prepared the prospect for the purchase.
By offering options, you have eliminated the choice between a ?yes?, or ?no?, and are, asking them to choose between three different programs instead. Any program that they choose is a sale.
By directly asking them to select a program, and take action today, you have effectively led them toward achieving their goals ? exactly what you should do as a professional.
Here are several other variations of the script that you can use:
Semi-Private Sales Script
Step One ? Obtain A Positive Confirmation: "Mrs. Jones, after going through a session, I?m sure you see the benefits of working with one of our coaches, getting your program personally designed for you and of having a consistent source of motivation and accountability to ensure you reach your goals, right?" (Wait for the prospect to affirm your statement with a "yes")
Step Two ? Present Your Programs: "Then let me to show you the options that I have available for you. The first program I have is the three session per week program, which allows you to work with one of our coaches during each of your 3 weekly training sessions.
It is only an investment of $399 per month.
The second program I have is the two session per week program, which allows you to work with one of our coaches during two sessions per week and them you?ll execute the program we design for you on your own during your 3rd weekly session.
This program is only an investment of $299 per month.
Finally, we have our one session per week option, which is perfect for people with hectic schedules. You?ll personally work with a coach one day each week and then use the program we design for you to execute your other sessions each week. This program is an investment of only $199 per month".
Step Three ? The Assistant Buyer Offers Options: "Based on your goals and experience level I suggest we start with either the two times per week program or the three time per week program."
Step Four - Call To Action: "Which one of these programs can we get you started on today?"
Bootcamp Sales Script
Step One ? Obtain A Positive Confirmation: "Mrs. Jones, after going through a session, I?m sure you see the benefits of being part of our fitness bootcamp and having a consistent source of motivation and accountability to ensure you reach your goals, right?" (Wait for the prospect to affirm your statement with a "yes")
Step Two ? Present Your Programs: "Then let me to show you the options that I have available for you. The first program I have is the four session per week program, which allows you to attend all of our 4 weekly camp sessions.
It is only an investment of $199 per month.
The second program I have is the three session per week program, it?s our most popular program which allows you to choose 3 weekly sessions per week.
This program is only an investment of $169 per month.
Finally, we have our two sessions per week option, which is perfect for people with hectic schedules. You?ll choose two sessions that are convenient to you to attend to reach your goals.
This program is only an investment of $149 per month".
Step Three ? The Assistant Buyer Offers Options: "Based on your goals and experience level I suggest we start with either the two times per week program or the three time per week program."
Step Four - Call To Action: "Which one of these programs can we get you started on today?"
Group Sales Closing Script
Step One ? Obtain A Positive Confirmation: "OK everyone ? let?s bring it in. You guys did a great job today.? You worked hard and hopefully you clearly you see the benefits of being part of our fitness bootcamp, right?" (Wait for the group to affirm your statement with a "yes")
Step Two ? Present Your Programs: "Then let me tell you about a special offer I have for you today as thanks for your coming in and trying out our camp. If after today you know that this is the right place for you to achieve your goals, you can enroll in any of our 6 month programs today and get your 1st month entirely free. We have a four session per week program, which is only an investment of $199 per month. The second program is the three session per week program, which is only an investment of $169 per month, and finally we have our two session per week program which is only an investment of $149 per month".
Step Three ? The Assistant Buyer Offers Suggestions: "Most of our clients choose the 3 session per week program as it?s the best balance of flexibility and results."
Step Four ? Call To Action: "If you?d like to take advantage of this Special Offer and receive your next month free, just come and let me know which of these program options you?d like to get started with."
Takeaway Selling
The underlying principle behind the concept of takeaway selling is the law of supply and demand. Simply put the less accessible someone is the more value is placed on them. This is a hard concept for some fitness professionals to accept but it is crucial in becoming the "expert" in your area.
If you can grasp this way of thinking and put it into practice you will be amazed at your results. You will see that the busier you are the more people want your services. The less accessible you are the more appreciated you are. If you put this into practice you will see that the less supply of you creates great demand and the virtual absence of resistance.
You can simply say that your services are not for everyone and you?re only willing to accept clients that are truly committed to achieving their goals.? They go a step further and tell the prospect that you require clients to be "walking billboards" for you.
This is the exact opposite of most sales tactics you see fitness pros use.
The feeling of urgency has proven to get people to take action. By using the techniques in this book you will find that more prospects are eager to make the buying decision, and train with you!
An Example of The Takeaway Approach To Selling Fitness
Step One ? Setting The Stage: "Mrs. Jones, before I show you the program that we have available, I need to tell you that working with one of our fitness professionals isn?t for everyone.?
I know that you mentioned that you were committed to losing that weight and keeping it off this time ? but since we are 100% committed to our clients? success, we require the same commitment from our clients.?
Unless you?re truly dedicated to achieving your goals and unless you?re ready to be a "walking billboard" for us ? then this may not be for you.? So are you committed Mrs. Jones?" (Upon positive confirmation show programs)
Step Two ? Present Your Programs: Then let me to show you the programs that I think would be a fit for you. The first program I have is our 1session per week program, which is only an investment of $149 per month. The second program I have for you is the twice a week program, which is only an investment of $279 per month, and finally we have our three times per week program which is only an investment of $399 per month.
Step Three ? The Assistant Buyer Offers Options: Based on your goals and experience level I suggest we start with either the two times per week program or the three time per week program.
Step Four ? Call To Action: "Which one of these programs can we get you started on today?"
Step Five ? Let Them Decide: Let your prospective client decide which is the best fit for them. Wait for the prospect to give their response.
Step Two ? Present Your Programs: Then let me to show you the fitness programs that I have available for you. The first program I have is our 1session per week program, which is only an investment of $150 per month. The second program I have for you is the twice a week program, which is only an investment of $300 per month, and finally we have our three times per week program which is only an investment of $450 per month.
Every Fitness Pros Problem With Selling Personal Training: Objections
Every fitness professional I know that hates selling training hates it because they hate objections.? They hate the feeling of rejection.
As an experienced trainer or coach, you should expect to hear objections. An objection is a natural impulse for the prospect but it does not mean that they don?t like what you have to offer.
Once a prospect has given you an objection, the first thing you want to do is relax. Don?t get defensive.
Take your time and find out what the prospect?s real concerns are.
Objections are really nothing more than a prospect?s request for additional information. They are a perceived barrier between the prospect and the solution. Lack of understanding, disbelief, lack of value and hidden reasons cause a prospect to state an objection.
The lack of value (the price you have quoted is not worth the benefits they perceive) is the number one reason for an objection.
When addressing the prospect?s concerns:
- Don?t argue
- Get a specific objection ? narrow it down to one
- Keep it interactive
- Focus on the benefits
- Keep it a win-win situation
- Listen-Listen-Listen
Selling More Training With Downsells
If the prospective client wants to join but they can?t afford your main program ? and you?ve isolated this as the concern, then use a downsell.? A downsell is simply a less expensive option that can still help your prospect achieve their goals and help you get them involved now.?
Here?s an example downsell script:
Example Downsell Script
If You Receive An Objection: "Ms. Jones, do you feel as if you?d benefit from our camps?"
If yes: "Then what is holding you back from joining?"
If it?s money, spouse, time or any other objection, present this: "OK, we?ll how about we do this. You can start with our camp for only one session per week for an investment of only $99 per month. That will allow you to begin benefitting from what we have to offer without as much of a financial or time commitment. Would you like to start with that today?"
Prices and packages can be substituted.
Always have 2-3 options. No more. No less.
Always assume the sale.
If you can?t narrow the concern down to one thing or you can?t alleviate their concern easily, this is where having a Free Trial is valuable.
If your prospect came in to take advantage of a Trial you can simply say: "Ms. Jones, no sweat.? That?s exactly why we offer the Free Trial of our programs? so you can see if this is a good fit for you."
Then you use the trial period to build the value needed to get the prospect to commit to your program.
Closing Personal Training Sales By Gaining Commitment
Once the new client selects a program, show excitement and be complimentary of their choice to make a commitment to reach their health and fitness goals.
At this point, ask the new client to retrieve financial information for payment while you retrieve the appropriate paperwork.
Recommended Payment Options/Agreement Completion
Once the new client decides on a package, and they have filled out the top portion of the agreement, it is now time to take care of the payment.
Clients have two options for paying their membership dues. They can pay for all of their membership today, referred to as paid-in-full (PIF), or they can agree to make a down payment with an EFT payment drafted out of their account on a monthly basis for the length of their chosen program.
If client chooses EFT, you need to outline the options for paying monthly.
"Ok, the program that you?ve chosen is $200 down and a monthly investment of only of $200, which will be billed on the 5th of each month.? What credit card will you be using for that?"
Finally, before you ask the new client to sign the agreement, make sure everything is filled out completely and correctly.? Once the agreement has been signed, be sure the client receives a copy.
Post Sale
After you have closed the sale, compliment the new client once again. Make them feel good about their purchase and let them know that they are now on their way to achieving their goals. Make them comfortable, knowing exactly what to expect.? If they need to know anything ? explain it.? If they need to schedule anything ? schedule it.?
This is a process of assimilation? getting the new client to feel comfortable and a part of your company?s family. You may even want to quickly walk through the facility again quickly and just help them start to feel more comfortable in the environment.
Increasing The Value Of The Sale
Either immediately before signing the contract, while signing the contract or immediately after (depending on whether the upsell would be written on that contract) is the perfect time to provide a more complete solution to the new client through an upsell.
Remember, they came to you to get a result, not to just buy personal training or a bootcamp.? So if you can offer them something additional that will enhance their results ? a Nutrition Coaching program, a supplement package, additional sessions early in the program to accelerate their progress or anything else that will compliment your core offerings. Here?s an example Upsell script:
Example Upsell Script
"I truly appreciate you choosing _________________ to help you reach your goals.? Now that you are a member of the ________________ family, we?d like to extend a special offer to you.
You achieving your goal is going to be a result of combining the effective workouts we?ll be doing here in class with eating supportively, so we offer a 12 Week Nutrition Coaching Program that many of our successful clients take part in.? This program teaches you everything you need to know about eating in a way that will support your workouts, accelerate your progress and improve your overall health.
Normally this program is $299, but as a new client, I?d like to give you $100 off the program so we can make sure you get started off on the right foot.
Would you rather join the morning or the evening class?"
Selling Personal Training Through Referrals
Another way that that you can increase the value of the relationship with your new client is to ask for referrals at the point of sale.? Prospects are never more excited that when they initially decide to join your program and finally know they?re on their way to achieving their goals. Here?s an example Point of Sale Referral Request Script:
Example Point Of Sale Referral Script
"I truly appreciate you choosing _________________ to help you reach your goals.? Now that you are a member of the ________________ family, we?d like to offer you the opportunity to share your __________________ experience with your friends!?
Because of this, I?d like to extend a special offer to you.? If you have anyone in your family, or friends that you think would also benefit from our programs, list them here and we?ll call them and offer them a 14 Day Trial Membership as a gift from you.
Plus, as an added bonus, if you provide us with four people that we can invite in, you will receive a free ____________ as a gift from us."
So let?s go ahead and fill in this card, and then we will call the people you recommend and invite them in as your guest."
Putting Your Fitness Sales System Into Action
Here?s a simple 8 Step Process you can use to move a prospect through your entire sales system.
Step #1: Initial Contact
The initial live contact could be face to face or over the phone.? It could even be via email, but ideally it involves a conversation.? Your goal is to start building rapport, start the questioning process and initiate the value build during this initial contact.
This is a mistake most fitness pros make ? they forget to start building the relationship at this Step? but remember, you?re not guaranteed Step 2 or 3 so you need to build a relationship with the prospect at Step 1 to increase the likelihood of the follow Steps happening.
Your goals during the Initial Value Build:
- Build Rapport
- Questioning
- Initial Value Build
- Schedule their Initial Session, Orientation or Assessment
Step #2 ? The Confirmation
Confirmation calls, emails and texts are critical if you want to maximize the likelihood of your prospects showing up for their initial visit.? This is probably an uncomfortable event for them so they may try to avoid it due to fear or anxiety.
Your job is to make it more comfortable for the ? because "You Can?t Sell If They Don?t Show." So make sure that you reach out to the prospect the day prior to their visit and provide them with directions to your facility.? Tell them what to wear and what to bring.? Alleviate all their fear and anxiety.
Step #3 ? Initial Session, Orientation or Assessment
The objective of this session is to learn more about the prospect, strengthen your relationship with them and display the value your programs have to offer as it specifically relates to their personal goals.
So sit down with the prospect and start the rapport building process we covered earlier.? Utilize your questionnaire to learn more about their specific needs and goals.? Discuss how you feel you?ll be able to help them and then start displaying that through your assessment and demonstration of how your program will move them to their goals.
Use social proof if possible.? If there are other successful clients in the facility, introduce them.? Show the prospective client your Wall of Fame or any success stories you can share to build their confidence that this is the right solution for them.
Step #4 ? Present Your Programs
Use the presentation scripts above (choose the one that fits your situation) and help the prospective buyer find the right program for them.? Consider using a Level to help incentivize them to join today.? A level could be a discount off of their first month, an added bonus of a few additional session or a nutrition program or it could simply be a waived enrollment fee if you use one.
If you don?t close on day one?
Step #5 ? Confirming The Second Session
This is critical if you?re doing trials.? Closing rates for trials double if they maker it to the second session so be sure to follow up with a personal call or text to tell them they did a great job on day one and you look forward to seeing them at the next session.
Step #6? ? Soft Follow Up
Your objective during the remainder of the trial is continued value building.? Make sure that you are giving them plenty of personal attention, talking to them face to face, calling, sending emails and texts.? My goal is a personal contact every 3 days during the remainder of the trial.
Remember ? if they?re still around they like what you have to offer.
Step #7 ? 2nd Offer
If someone didn?t buy during your first offer, make a second offer 2-3 sessions prior to trial ending.? If you used an incentive or lever during the first offer, use one again ? just a lesser one.? If they?re still around they want to be part of your program so be assumptive and just work to find the right fit.
Step #8 ? Follow Up
If they don?t buy during your 2nd offer, keep marketing to them.? It might have just been the wrong time. Send them future promos, special offers and your newsletter.? You can?t always dictate when someone will buy but you can increase the likelihood that they do.
Fitness Sales: Wrapping It Up
Fitness Sales really shouldn?t be something you dislike.? It should actually be something you enjoy because it allows you to help more people and it allows you to grow your business.
Because of that, I?ve decided to put together everything I know about effective selling into a resource that is surely the most complete resource the fitness industry has ever seen when it comes to fitness sales.
I?ve compiled all of the following into one package called Fitness Sales Formula:
Fitness Sales Formula Module #1: The BIG 5 Closing System
In Module #1you?ll be taken through the 5 Step Fitness Sales Formula Closing System.? This simple 5 step system will allow you to instantly build rapport with your prospects ? then systematically determine their needs ? those critical hot buttons that turn prospects into paying clients.? Then you?ll discover EXACTLY how to build MAXIMUM VALUE in your program so that when it comes time to ask for the sale every objection has been eliminated and your prospect is eager to say ?YES.?
The BIG 5 Closing System will guide you every step of the way, guaranteeing that you never stumble and ensuring that every Sales Presentation is YOUR BEST PRESENTATION. And to make absolutely certain that you?re able to master the BIG 5 Closing System, I?ve broken each of the 5 steps down into separate presentations so you can grasp every little profit producing nuance.
Fitness Sales Formula Module #2: Eliminating Objections
In Module #2 you?ll discover the truth about objections and how you can eliminate them 98% of the time.? And in those rare instances you?re do encounter an objection, this module with teach you the Step-By-Step System for turning the occasional ?I need to think about it? or ? I need to speak with my spouse? into an opportunity to build more value in your programs and connect with the prospect in a way that readies them to buy.
Fitness Sales Formula Module #3: Maximizing Sales
In Module #3 you?ll learn how to make the most from every selling opportunity.? You?ll discover things like:
- A simple technique that will instantly make you a 200% better closer ? and you can start using it immediately!
- The right presentation format for maximizing every minute you spend meeting with prospects.
- The secret to selling bigger programs ? and it?s easier than you think.
- One simple tactic that you can integrate into your presentations that will allow you to easily close 30% more sales.? This one thing allowed us to add $10,000 a month to our bottom line in our training business.
- And much, much more?
Fitness Sales Formula Module #4: Selling Through The Trial
Module #4 might just be the most valuable sales resource every presented to the fitness industry.? Right now, with so many bootcamps and group training based programs utilizing marketing tools like Free Trials, Low Cost Trials and Deal Of The Day sites, selling personal training has changed.?
Getting prospects in the door with tactics like these might have gotten easier, but almost all fitness professionals are struggling to turn a respectable percentage of these Free or Low Cost Trials into long-term paying clients.
In this Module you?ll discover the first ever comprehensive system designed to close a MAXIMUM number of these Trials.? The 7 Step Trial Conversion System will be your blueprint for turning things like Deal of the Day promos into Game Changers for your business instead of just being what they are for most trainers ? a overwhelming influx of low paying people that are gone within a couple of weeks leaving nothing other than anger from your current paying clients for watering down their experience with tire kickers.
Fitness Sales Formula Module #5: Sales Presentation Video Library
In Module #5 you get video examples of EVERY sales presentation you?ll ever need to build a multiple six or even seven figure fitness business. All you need to do is model the presentation you want to use and you?re ready to start closing sales. These videos will guide you every step of the way, so you never need to struggle again.
Just check out the 7 example presentations you will have at your disposal:
- Example One-On-One Sales Presentation
- Example Semi-Private Sales Presentation
- Example Bootcamp Sales Presentation
- Example Group Selling Presentation
- Example Referral Request Presentation
- Example Up Sell At The Point Of Sale Presentation
- Example Back End Sale Presentation
All you need to do is practice the presentation you plan to use a few times and you?re ready to start closing more sales!
Fitness Sales Formula Module #6: The Fitness Sales Toolbox
In Module #6 you?ll receive all the scripts and tools you need to execute the Fitness Sales Formula System.? Here are the tools you?ll receive:
Ready To Use Sales Scripts:
- One-On-One Sales Script
- Semi-Private Sales Script
- Bootcamp Sales Script
- Group Selling Script
- Referral Request Script
- Up Sell At The Point Of Sale Script
- Back End Sale Script
Ready To Use Sales Tools:
- FSF Prospect Questionnaire
- FSF Example Personal Training Agreement
- FSF Program Presentation Sheet
- FSF Sales Tracking Sheet
Normally Fitness Sales Formula sells for $197 and is a bargain at that price.
But as a friend of Fit Business Insider you can get Fitness Sales Formula for $97? $100 the normal price.
You?ll learn how to convert Groupon & Living Social leads.? You?ll get exact scripts to use to close every type of leads from 1 on 1 to bootcamps.? You pretty much get everything you?ll ever need to know about selling training.
So if you want more knowledge and expertise on how to improve your personal training sales grab your copy of Fitness Sales Formula and take advantage of the huge $100 discount.
Dedicated to Your Success,
Related posts:
- Fitness Pro Guide To EFT
- Do This, Not That ? The Personal Trainer Survival Guide Part 2
- Do This, Not That: The Personal Trainer Survival Guide ? Part 1
- Fitness Professional Sales- The 6 Stage Sales Cycle
Source: http://fitbusinessinsider.com/fitness-sales-guide/
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