Sunday, September 16, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III Anti-iPhone 5 Ad - Business Insider

Samsung just sent me an ad that it plans to run in national newspapers tomorrow comparing the iPhone 5 to the Galaxy S III.

The ad breaks down some key specs of the two phones, but it's also a bit misleading. Samsung lists a lot of Galaxy S III-specific software features like sharing photos wirelessly between phones and tilt to zoom, but doesn't mention any iPhone 5-specific features.

The implication is that just because the iPhone 5 doesn't run Samsung's software it's an inferior phone. But Apple packed a lot of features into its iPhone software?that the Galaxy S III can't do like Facebook and Twitter integration, AirPlay, and access to thousands of more apps.

Am I trying to say the Galaxy S III is bad? No way! When I reviewed it in June, I really, really liked it! And I haven't tried the iPhone 5, so it's hard for me to really compare the two phones beyond the spec sheets.

But given that this ad is ostensibly a feature-by-feature comparison of the two phones, it seems disingenuous of Samsung to leave out a lot of great things the iPhone 5 can do.

Take a look:


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